√Idiots on the road: Speeding tickets lead to drug busts, weapons, and a fake Malaysian license
Who said the highway patrol don’t catch crooks? Some big speeds led to some big busts, as well as the usual array of idiots over the past fortnight, in our latest instalment of what speed cameras can’t stop.

Driving with prohibited weapons, riding a stolen motorbike unlicensed while in possession of drugs, speeding on L-plates, showing police a fake Malaysian licence, or clocking 210km/h in the middle of double demerits are just a few of the dumb decisions made on our roads this month.
Traffic and vehicle offences are the most frequent crimes in Australia, accounting for an estimated 35 per cent of all court appearances.
While most are for routine indiscretions, some are so brazen, dangerous, and idiotic they need to be seen to be believed.
Below are some Australia’s worst recent road users, courtesy of police media channels and the Traffic and Highway Patrol Facebook page.

On Sunday 24 April 2022, police stopped a vehicle in Mascot NSW for driving on expired plates (shown below).
The 42-year-old male driver was questioned at the scene, before testing positive for illicit substances.
During a search of the vehicle, police found knives, a firearm, cocaine, ecstasy, and drug paraphernalia.
The man was charged with multiple criminal offences, and refused bail.

On Thursday 21 April, police in Glanmire NSW spotted an unregistered dirt bike previously involved in traffic pursuits.
The two-wheeler was discreetly followed to a residential property in Meadow Flat, where its 37-year-old rider was questioned (shown below).
The man admitted he was disqualified from holding a licence, and a subsequently tested positive to the drug ice.
A search of the rider’s possessions located 0.28 grams of methamphetamine concealed within a cigarette packet.
The bike’s VIN number confirmed it had been stolen in 2018, and the rider was arrested at the scene.

On 22nd December 2021, police near Griffith pulled over a car travelling 113km/h in a 100km/h zone.
The 26-year-old female driver produced a card resembling a Malaysian driver’s license.
However, database checks showed the woman did not hold a foreign permit and the identification wake fake.
Further checks showed the driver – who was alone in the vehicle – currently holds a New South Wales learner license.
The woman was issued with a spate of infringement notices, and an investigation with Malaysian authorities is ongoing.

On 21 of April, police near Wagga Wagga pulled over a car travelling 152km/h in a 100km/h zone.
The 27-year-old Ford Falcon driver revealed he was on a provisional license, despite no plates being shown on the car.
He subsequently tested positive to cannabis and meth, however did not have illicit substances in the car.
The driver was issued an infringement notice for speeding, and further action will be taken following the return of laboratory tests.

On 16 April, Police detected a white Hyundai Kona on near Glenwood travelling at 153 km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone.
Police suspended 21-year-old male driver’s licence on the spot, and issued him with a court notice.
However, just a few hours later the same male in the same car was stopped again for speeding.
According to police, his licence suspension notice from earlier in the night was still sitting on the front passenger seat.
Forty minutes later the man was pulled over for a third time, and finally arrested for repeat infringements.
The driver is due to attend court for a range of driving infringements, and other unrelated matters.

On Saturday 23 April 2022 highway police at Eastern Creek clocked a vehicle travelling in excess of 210km/h in a 100km/h zone.
The 22-year-old driver was pulled over, and had his licence and number plates confiscated on the spot.
The offence took place over the ANZAC long weekend – when double demerits were in force – increasing the severity of the offence.
Also pointing to the idiocy of the driver: he travelled at warp speed despite widespread warnings in the media about the high police presence over the Easter holiday periods.
The man was charged with excessive speeding offences, and is due to appear in court next month.
To read Drive’s previous stories on traffic offences and police work on our roads click here.
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